Message from our new president

Welcome back to basketball for 2021!

With both Norm Lewis and Deb Thomas retiring as President and Girls Coordinator at the Club’s AGM in 2020, I’d like to firstly thank them both for all the time they gave to the club over the years.

Junior sporting clubs are not able to thrive without the efforts of their volunteers, and the combined 30+ years given to the club by Norm and Deb has placed us in a position where we can come out of 2020 with an eye on how we can continue to make our basketball community the best in Australia.

On behalf of everyone at Saints, we are thankful for everything Norm and Deb have put into the club for our coaches, team managers and players.

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While 2020 was a year we’re not likely to forget any time soon, we would not have been able to restart the club without the efforts of a handful of volunteers, all working to get our players back onto the court.

In a normal year, our coordinators would normally begin preparing for the upcoming season 12-16 weeks ahead.

This year we had 3 weeks to:

  • register over 850 players,
  • recruit 100+ coaches and team managers,
  • put together new teams,
  • implement CovidSafe rules, and
  • arrange player uniforms

Without the countless hours, phone calls, emails, meetings and annual leave days taken by Jackie LeeAnn McCannElise JonesSandra Adams and their teams, we would not have been able to restart the club so efficiently.

Please make sure you stop and thank both Jackie and Elise next time you see them, as without the 300+ volunteer hours put in by all our coordinators, we would not have been in a position to place our teams on the court and get back playing.

As we resume the Summer 2020/21 Season, please continue to ensure you follow the CovidSafe rules at training and the various stadiums, and enjoy being back on the court.

Jason Taylor

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